For more information:

Location Information

  • Boulder County Fairgrounds - Exhibition Bldg.
  • 9595 Nelson Rd, Longmont, CO, 80501 US

Vendor Booth Options

Food Vendors: IMPORTANT!

All food vendors (incluing Cottage Food businesses) selling or sampling non-prepackaged food to the public at a temporary/special event in Boulder County are required to submit a vendor verification once per calendar year and show proof of retail food license or approved documentation.

Call 303-441-1564 and ask for the inspector if you have questions about, or technical issues with the application.


Boulder County Fairgrounds is a Zero Waste Facility.  
  • Please be sure your sampling materials, including cups, plates, utensils, are not plastic or Styrofoam.
  • Items for sale, to be taken home, may include plastic packaging. 
  • Boulder County will provide Recycle, Compost and Trash (because there's always a little...)  bins for us.   
Thanks so much for taking these extra steps so that we can have a FANTASTIC Boulder County Chocolate Festival!

VIP & Sample Info:

  • Choose from a slection of areas/activities to best fit your business.

  • Occupy a 4-booth area of the festival with your branded booth! We'll promote it as a hangout/ hot spot for our guests!

  • You'll get loads of extra promotion with this option before and during the festival! Details on our Sponsor page at


- Booths are 10 x 12 with 3 6-ft tables.

- Each booth includes 2 chairs.

- Vendors must supply their own table coverings.

- Set-up is Saturday morning 7:00 - 10:15 am.

- Tear down is Saturday 6 - 9pm. NO EARLY PACKING.

- I understand that if I am sampling or selling non-prepackaged foods I must apply to Boulder County Health for a Vendor Verification. 

- I understand this is a Zero Waste event.  Sampling materials may not include plastic or Styrofoam. 

- No CBD products allowed, since this is a government facility. 

- All vendors must have liability insurance with Dana Cain Events (5061 S. Stuart Ct, Denver CO 80123) listed as Additional Insured. You can get that through your insurance company or through ours - for $42 - at 

- Dana Cain Events reserves the right to cancel any booth reservation and issue a full refund.

I agree to the terms above.


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