We want to promote you! (optional)
- Booths are 10 (wide) x 8 (deep) with 1 8-ft table.
- Each booth includes 2 chairs.
- Vendors must supply their own table coverings.
- Set-up is Saturday morning 7:00 - 10:00 am. VIPs get in at 10:00 am
- Tear down is Saturday 5 - 9pm. NO EARLY PACKING.
- I understand the Special Event Sales Tax info at https://www.danacainevents.com/vendors.html
- Exhibitors are required to have liability insurance listing Dana Cain Events as additional insured. If you'd like to order that from us, you can do so inexpensively at (link coming soon)
Food Vendors Preparing Food Onsite or with Foods Requiring Refrigeration:
If you are selling and sampling simple pre-made, pre-packaged foods, you don't need to worry about this one, but if you plan to prepare or cook food onsite, or if any of your products require refrigeration, you need to be sure you have the right permits.
The rules have changed for some licensing, as Arapahoe County Health is no long affiliated with Tri-County. “In order to participate in Temporary Food at a Special Event, you will need to complete the following steps at least 10 business days prior to the event in which you are participating. There is a $50.00 late fee if all paperwork is not submitted before this deadline and may result in disapproval to operate.”
- Here is the main site for Special Food Events: https://www.arapahoeco.gov/your_county/county_departments/public_health_department/health_protection___response/environmental_health/food/special_food_events.php
All food vendors participating in a special event must have a license to operate as either a mobile food unit or as a special event vendor (cottage foods are excepted).
2. If you think you are cottage foods then see this link here (IF YOUR FOOD REQUIRES REFRIGERATION, you NEED a license): https://cdphe.colorado.gov/cottage-foods-act
- Dana Cain Events reserves the right to cancel any booth reservation and issue a full refund.